Hardship Fund Launched - November 2013
We have realised how important it is to allow gifted children to continue as Beacon Scholars in order to realise their potential as future leaders, and the importance of helping parents who temporarily find themselves in a weak position financially.
After consulting widely, the Trustees have decided to set up the Beacon Hardship Fund as a separate donor fund to be used in cases where, due to extraordinary circumstances, the share of school fees for a Beacon Scholar cannot be met by parents.
Contributions to the Hardship Fund are envisaged as coming from sources other than The Beacon Equity Trust, including parents, institutions and fundraising efforts from the scholars themselves. A separate bank savings account has been set up to collect and administer funds.
The Hardship Fund is governed by a Constitution and will require the completion of an Application for Financial Assistance before any disbursements can be considered. Disbursements will only be made when an initial target of donations of £20,000 has been met.