Personal Skills e-Workshop - February 2023

The Beacon Personal Skills Workshop was delivered online to both Schools and University Scholars in February 2023, on back-to-back Saturdays. The theme was Emotional Intelligence.

With a shift in learning from 6-hour Workshop-only transmissive style of instruction to a more socratic, asynchronous, and self-managed learning pedagogy, Beacon Scholars are now offered more flexibility, convenience, and participation with their learning. Additionally, this allows for a better balance between Beacon leadership training and other responsibilities and commitments, with Scholars taking ownership of their leadership development.

All elements of Workshop learning are supported and accessible via an online platform, Microsoft Flip (MS Flip), offering an enhanced learning experience and delivered as follows:

• 2-hour pre-Workshop Project (self-study and 2-3 minute presentation homework)

• 3-hour e-Workshop (focused on group activity; peer-to-peer learning; socratic interaction)

• 1 hour Reflection Assignment (100 to 200 words), to be completed post-Workshop

The Emotional Intelligence Theory was briefly explained in a presentation video which Scholars viewed in advance as part of their pre-Worskhop Project; the video covered a recap on previous Personal Skills Workshop themes and Leadership concepts such as Public Speaking and Creativity & Lateral Thinking.

Following an engaging ice-breaker, the first plenary session was spent discussing and ensuring understanding of the course content and reviewing previous Workshop lessons. To give a flavour, here is some of the material covered:

Emotional Intelligence (EQ); Benefits of EQ; Emotional Teams; Mindfulness

PS3 Blog what is eq.2

 PS3 Blog benefits of eq.3


PS3 Blog emotional teams.2


PS3 Blog build team emotions.2 
PS3 Blog wise mind.2 PS3 Blog speech bubbles.2

Scholars were given an opportunity, in breakout rooms, to participate in group exercises to consolidate their learning. Group work was structured around problem-solving difficult scenarios, requiring Scholars to:

  • Recall - previous learning: forming effective teams; setting roles and responsibilities
  • Brainstorm - mapping problems and solutions
  • Perform - finalising solutions
  • Practise - practising role-play presentations

Scholars were encouraged to use various presentation tools such as Google Jamboard to capture notes and create their presentations for discussion during the showcase plenary session, where they received constructive feedback and fielded questions from their peers.

A team example below (scenario: Scientists vs Activists - HIV drug testing on animals).














The Workshop concluded successfully with a recap on learning; final thoughts from Scholars; and a huge thank you and goodbye from all.