Sharon Bowyer

Sharon Large16 years old, attending UWCEA, Moshi, Tanzania. Sharon was awarded a Beacon Scholarship in May 2023.

Sharon is a very able student who has an excellent attitude to her learning, for which she received a High Honours Award for her IB average of 6.5. She won runners-up award in an international essay competition with 10,000 applicants and an IB Learner Profile award for caring.

Sharon plays netball, volleyball and basketball for U16 Varsity teams and trains hard for all her sports. She is a keen artist, especially using pencil and acrylic media. She enjoys drama and was in the school play, acting in three different roles. She is a confident public speaker and was elected as Spokesperson for the class for graduation.

Sharon enjoys a high profile around school. As President of the Environmental Club, she led successful wormery and communal vegetable garden projects. She represented the club in the National Climate Summit and proposed a new recycling system which she is now implementing. She is on the Student Government Wellbeing Committee, is a representative for the sustainability committee, runs an art club with a friend and is training to become a peer counsellor.

Sharon is brimming with ideas for Citizenship and Service: she implemented a 'Cultural Cafe', leading a team of 15 and hosting three very successful events with many attendees from the local Moshi community, and is now creating her own cookbook. She runs a book club that holds book events and book drives at a local community centre, further helping to enrich the children's lives. 


Beacon Workshop Participation

In Leadership Workshops, Sharon participates well with peers, is articulate, confident and provides valuable feedback.

Sharon's 2024 Summer Beacon Citizenship Project was called 'Fempower' and focused on empowering the female entrepreneurs of tomorrow.